Q: My Logon Script didn't execute
A: If the script does not execute, there can be numerous reasons.
FastTrack Logon works exactly the same as all other logon scripts like bat files or vbs scripts. If FastTrack Logon does
not execute, a bat file or a vbs script will not execute either. You locate the script or
executable on the domain controller and assign a logon script to users. If you are not sure how logon scripts are assign and replicated, take a look at
technet article.
Q: The explorer started before prelogon.fsh has finished
A: This happens when the policy "Run logon script synchronously" is actively set to false.
You can solve this issue by setting the group policy "Run logon script synchronously" under
"User Configuration->Policies->Administrative Templates->System->Scripts" to "Enabled".
On Windows XP, this behavior can also happen the first time a user logs on to a client, because
logon scripts run asynchronously by default on Windows XP. FastTrack Logon will overrule this,
but the first logon may finish executing before this setting can be changed for the executing user.
Setting the policy above will also fix this issue.
Q: My anti-virus program blocks my logon script
A: If your anti-virus policy blocks exe files from your domain controllers, it is strongly recommended that you disable
this policy. If this is not possible for political reasons, there is a workaround although it is not a recommended solution.
You can rename FTLogon.exe and FSH.exe to FTLogon.cmd and FSH.cmd and change the EngineExe parameter in FTLogon.ini to FSH.cmd.
This will work, but must be last resort if you have no other options.
Remember that the users' Logon Script must now point to FTLogon.cmd instead of FTLogon.exe.
Q: How do I set different logon scripts for different users?
A: Most prefer to have a single logon script and then use conditions to control variations. If multiple logon scripts are
required, you can copy FTLogon.exe and FTLogon.ini to another name. The configuration used is the one with the same name
as the exe, but with an .ini extension. To get another script executed, either copy the whole fshbin folder to another name
and change "ServerDir" to this location - or copy prelogon.fsh and postlogon.fsh to other names in the existing folder and
change the "PreLogonScript" and "PostLogonScript" to the new names.
Q: How would I know where the repository folder is located on the client, if I have multiple logon scripts?
A: The FastTrackPath function will return the client directory used, as this is the same as the location of the currently
executing FSH.Exe.