- Create, rename, delete or move Active Directory users, computers, groups or OUs
- Query or change user, computer or group memberships of Active Directory groups
- Set or query any Active Directory property for users, computers, groups or OUs
- Synchronize folders recursively (backup or replication)
- Detect running on hypervisors (Hyper-V, VMware and Xen)
- Install or uninstall Windows Installer (MSI) files
- Set, delete or add variables for SCCM Task Sequences
- Log information to the SCCM Task Sequence log
- Query installed SCCM Client version and status
- Set the default home page for Internet Explorer, Chrome and Firefox
- Run Citrix applications
- Query Citrix Receiver status
- Query client IP address or scope on local or remote sessions
- Session logoff, logon and restart
- Set or get clipboard data
- Upload inventory data and events for SkyBox
- Export inventory data to XML files
- COM automation
- Get or set computer name
- Copy, create, rename, delete or query existence of folders
- Set or change directory or file attributes
- Add or remove file, directory, registry or share permissions
- Change owner of file, directory or registry
- Resolve logical directory paths on 32 and 64 bit machines
- Encrypt passwords
- Get or set environment variables
- Log events to the event log
- Execute external programs
- Read, copy, move, create, delete, rename or append files
- Delete files recursively from file patterns
- Associate or unassociate file types
- Synchronize folders recursively to or from FTP (backup or replication)
- Copy, create, rename, delete or query existence of FTP folders
- Read, copy, move, create, delete, rename or append FTP files
- Create splash screens
- Create graphical lists or menus with pre-built icons
- Create multi-input forms
- Create forms with a moving progress bar
- Set user settings based on installed programs
- Query system information such as computer type, cpu speed, free disk space, etc.
- Zip and Unzip files
- Read and write to XML files
- Determine if a computer is a laptop or desktop
- Determine if a laptop is running on batteries or not
- Detect running in a remote session
- Read and write ini files
- Query any information from the Windows installed programs list
- Show web page embedded in a form
- Show remote desktop session in a form
- Create conditions running within certain intervals
- Create, rename or delete local users and groups
- Query or change domain user and domain group memberships of local groups
- Query or change local user and local group memberships of local groups
- Set or query any property for local users and groups
- Send emails
- Play audio files
- Enable or disable proxy settings real-time
- Enable or disable network adapters
- Set network adapter IP configuration
- Query network adapter speed, manufacturer, IP or MAC address
- Join or unjoin computers to domains
- Conditions based on operating system (2000/2003/2008/2012/NT4/Vista/7/8)
- Conditions based on bits and type (32/64 bit or Server/Workstation)
- Connect printers and shares
- Set or query default printer
- Query or kill processes or windows
- Wait for specific process start or stop
- Create, query, write or delete registry keys on 32 and 64 bit machines
- Create, query, write or delete registry keys for 32-bit apps on 64 bit machines
- Query or set screen resolution
- Query, stop or start Windows service
- Create, query or remove shares
- Create, change or query shortcuts
- Execute any SQL operation on SQL Server
- Set or remove startup programs
- Stopwatch to time operations
- Download files or web page content from the internet
- Query installed Windows Installer version and status
- Execute WMI generic queries